
Food & Travel

A gastronomic food and travel series, Eat with Xiami takes viewers on a culinary adventure, exploring the food scenes around the world. From street stalls to Michelin-starred restaurants, the series showcases the best of casual food in China and beyond.全新美食節目《跟著虾米一起吃》,第一季拍攝於台北。將帶你穿梭於大街小巷,發現最具特色的餐廳,小吃攤和隱藏在城市角落的老字號
$50 Vancouver Dim Sum Challenge: Traditional vs. Modern! [Xiami Eats]
Deleted video
吴大维携百万博主姐妹打卡“中国首家美食酒廊”,到底吃了啥?Shanghai Food Tour: Discover Must-Try Modern Cuisine!
温哥华年度圣诞大餐,50刀能吃出什么惊喜?$50 Food Challenge – Is It Worth It?
上海这顿酒店早餐,竟然还有隐藏操作?!真·法式浪漫 Breakfast in Shanghai with Star-rated Chef Luke Armstrong
Contemporary Shanghai Food Gems| Trailer | Xycle Media
上海爷叔探店人和馆, 讲黄河路故事太上头!【跟着大维一起吃·上海传统美食篇EP2】
吴大维勇闯人民公园相亲角,解锁上海人私藏小笼包 【跟着大维一起吃·上海传统美食篇01】
预告片 | 上海传统美食篇 | 跟着大维一起吃 Eat with David | 吴大维主持
跟著吳大維,探秘上海珍饈美味!| 跟著大維一起吃 | 上海珍饈美味篇 · 預告片
梦幻联动!篮球传奇#刘炜 与 #吴大维 的上海蟹宴之旅 【跟着大维一起吃·上海隐藏美食篇】
跟着吴大维,解锁上海美食隐藏款!| 跟着大维一起吃 | 上海隐藏美食篇 | 预告片
#吳大維 上海老友記,#林若亞 #孫志浩 破天荒一同出鏡,日式居酒屋品嘗創意美食 【跟著大維一起吃 | 上海文化之旅篇·下】
香迷糊了!吴大维狂炫排骨年糕!采访一辈子只做一件事的非遗传承人王师傅 | 跟着大维一起吃 | 上海文化之旅篇
【跟着大维一起吃·上海篇】第一集:多元文化篇 | 预告片 | EAT WITH DAVID
服了❗上海怎麼有這麼多好吃的❗跟著大維一起吃·第二季 | 官方預告片
破防了!#吴大维 这上海话说得也太......
跟着大维一起吃:第二季 | 先导片 | 中易传媒
對於 #賀軍翔 新劇,好友 #吳大維 第一反應......
一次看個夠!吳大維艾利克斯爆笑名場面合集 | 跟著大維一起吃·精彩合集(二) | 吳大維 | 台北篇
Behind the Scenes & Episode Highlights | Eat with David | Host David Wu
第六集 | 台北深宵美食篇 | Eat with David 跟著大維一起吃 | 吳大維主持 ft. 杜德智
預告片 | E6 台北深宵美食篇 | 跟著大維一起吃 | 吳大維主持 ft. 杜德智
第五集 | 台北获奖食府篇 | Eat with David 跟着大维一起吃 | 吴大维主持 ft. 艾利克斯
预告片 | E5 台北获奖食府篇 | 跟着大维一起吃 | 吴大维主持 ft. 艾利克斯
第四集 | 台北人气夜市篇 | Eat with David 跟着大维一起吃 E4 | 吴大维主持 ft. 黄子芸
预告片 | E4 台北人气夜市篇 | 跟着大维一起吃 Eat with David | 吴大维主持 ft. 黄子芸
第三集 | 台北文化之旅·下篇 | Eat with David 跟着大维一起吃 E3.2 | 吴大维主持 ft. 蔡佩轩
第三集 | 台北文化之旅·上篇 | Eat with David 跟着大维一起吃 E3.1 | 吴大维主持 ft. 蔡佩轩
预告片 | E3.1 台北文化之旅篇 | 跟着大维一起吃 Eat with David | 吴大维主持 ft.蔡佩轩Ariel Tsai
【4K】台北風味早餐篇 | Eat with David 跟著大維一起吃 E2 | 吳大維主持 ft.陳美彤
預告片 | E2 台北風味早餐篇 | 跟著大維一起吃 | 吳大維主持
[EN SUB] Hidden Food Gems 台北隱世小店篇 | Eat with David 跟著大維一起吃 E1 | Host David Wu 吳大維 ft.Mike He 賀軍翔
Trailer | E1 Hidden Food Gems in Taipei 台北隐世小店篇 | Eat with David 跟着大维一起吃 | E1预告片 | Host 吳大維 ft.賀軍翔
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The “Day in the Life of…” series provides a window into life in Vancouver with a glimpse of an individual’s day. A profession is selected as the feature topic where our 2 hosts interact with the guest(s) to showcase that particular occupation. The tone is light and entertaining with a focus on educational aspects while projecting positive energy. Contact us for in-show advertising and sponsorship opportunities!
Why Developers Need Commercial Insurance: Key Coverages You Must Know | DAYINVAN
北美开诊所必备!如何选择合适的保险?| 商业保险 VS 专业保险 | 温哥华一日系列·商业保险经纪人的一天EP2
新手创业?这些保险你绝不能忽视!| 温哥华商业保险经纪的一天 EP1 【温村生活系列】
加拿大验房师的一天是怎样度过的?如何入行? | 温哥华验房师的一天 【温村生活】EP60
How to Become an Insurance Broker | Day in the Life of an Insurance Broker in Vancouver【DAYINVAN】E59
Insurance Tips for Customers | Day in the Life of an Insurance Broker in Vancouver【DAYINVAN】E58
Personal Insurance 101 | Day in the Life of an Insurance Broker ft. Park Georgia Insurance
Buying Insurance in Vancouver·Day in the Life of an Insurance Broker ft. Park Georgia Insurance E57
Tips for Home Sellers | Day in the Life of a Home Inspector in Vancouver P3 【DAYINVAN】E56
如何成为一名健身教练?专访全港最高身价星级教练杜德智 | Day in the life of a personal trainer EP3
【EN SUB】Day in the Life of a Personal Trainer ft. Celebrity Trainer Orlando To杜德智 【温村生活Dayinvan】EP52
Trailer | Interview with the Highest-Paid Celebrity Trainer in Hong Kong Orlando To
【EN SUB】Day in the Life of David Wu - Thirst Comments 02 吳大維回應粉絲留言 02【温村生活Dayinvan】EP44
【EN SUB】David Wu Reads Thirst Comments 01 | Day in the Life of David Wu Special【温村生活Dayinvan】EP43
【DAYINVAN】Season 8 Trailer
【EN SUB】David‘s School Days in UW - Day in the Life of David Wu in Seattle 03 【DAYINVAN】E41
【EN SUB】吳大維與李小龍的故事 Day in the Life of a David Wu in Seattle 02【DAYINVAN】E40
【EN SUB】Day in the Life of David Wu in Seattle 跟著吳大維 在西雅圖度過悠閒的一天01【DAYINVAN】E39
Day in the Life of International Students in Vancouver (Pt.4) 溫哥華一日留學生·生活篇【DAYINVAN】EP36
Day in the Life of International Students in Vancouver (Pt.3) 畢 業 2 0 年 後,我 攤 牌 了【温村生活DAYINVAN】EP35
Day in the Life of International Students in Vancouver [Pt.2] EP34 出國留學,你考慮清楚了嗎?一日留學生P2 | 溫哥華
Day in the life of International Students in Vancouver [Pt.1] EP33 溫哥華『一日留學生』頂流明星也來了!會爆出什麼猛料?!
Day in the Life of an Auto Technician in Vancouver [Pt.2] EP30溫哥華汽車維修技師的一天·下集 Feat. 奔馳列治文
Day in the Life of an Auto Technician in Vancouver [Pt.1] 溫哥華汽車維修技師的一天·上集 Feat. 奔馳列治文 EP29
Day in the Life of an Art Gallery Owner in Vancouver [Pt.2] 溫哥華藝術畫廊主理人的一天·下集 #DAYINVAN EP28
Day in the Life of an Art Gallery Owner in Vancouver [Pt.1] 溫哥華藝術畫廊主理人的一天·上集 DAYINVAN EP27
Day in the Life of a Photographer in Vancouver [P2] 一日攝影師 難度升級!! 隨機主題抽籤拍照! 繼續探訪溫哥華百年照相館 DAYINVAN E26
Day in the Life of a Photographer in Vancouver 手殘黨挑戰一日攝影師!返老還童回到17歲畢業生 【DAYINVAN】 EP25
Day in the Life of a Fashion Retailer in Vancouver Pt.2 溫哥華素人改造 | 寶媽變身優雅貴婦 驚艷眾人【一日服装店员】ep 24
Day in the Life of a Fashion Retailer in Vancouver (Pt.1) 總是不知道該選哪種衣服?有這簡單幾招就不愁!【一日服装店员·上集】ep 23
Day in the Life of a Medical Asthetics Worker in Vancouver (Pt.2)溫哥華貴婦級醫美體驗!水飛梭、童顏針、玻尿酸全過程!獨家紀錄 EP22
Day in the Life of a Medical Aesthetics Worker in Vancouver (Pt.1) 在溫哥華醫美診所工作是什麼體驗?#DAYINVAN EP 21
Day in the Life of an Escape Room Worker in Vancouver (Pt.2) 溫哥華密室逃脫工作人員的一天·下集 #DAYINVAN Ep20 EN SUB
Day in the Life of an Escape Room Worker in Vancouver (Pt.1) 溫哥華EXIT密室逃脫工作人員的一天 #DAYINVAN Ep19 EN_CC
Day in the Life of a Tattoo Artist in Vancouver (Pt.2) 溫哥華紋身師的一天·下集 #DAYINVAN Ep18 EN SUB
Day in the Life of a Tattoo Artist in Vancouver (Pt.1) 溫哥華紋身師的一天 #DAYINVAN Ep17 EN SUB
Day in the Life of a Tennis Coach in Vancouver (Pt.2) 溫哥華網球教練的一天(下集) #DAYINVAN EP16 EN SUB
Day in the Life of a Tennis Coach in Vancouver (Pt.1)溫哥華網球教練的一天 ·上集 #DAYINVAN EP15 EN SUB
Day in the Life of a Butcher in Vancouver [Pt.2] 高級牛排吃到飽,不會烤肉的廚子不是好屠夫【一日屠夫·下集】DAYINVAN - EP14 EN SUB
Day in the Life of a Butcher in Vancouver [Pt.1] 探秘溫哥華排名第一的肉鋪 體驗屠夫的一天 (上)#DAYINVAN - EP13 EN SUB
Learn about DAYINVAN 溫村生活主持人身份首次大公開!原來她們是......
Day in the Life of an Interior Designer in Vancouver [Pt.2] 关于室内设计师,你不知道的事【DAYINVAN】EP12 EN SUB
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City Talk presents various lifestyle topics in a relaxed manner, taking you on a journey to experience different aspects of Vancouver. Capturing the essence of short videos, our show is presented in a casual format where we visit and bring across your brand message in a light and entertaining tone to our audience. Contact us for in-show advertising and sponsorship opportunities!
Vancouver College 40-Year Reunion: Life Reflections
David Wu Reveals Untold Celebrity Secrets 吳大維爆料明星朋友 你猜台前幕後誰反差最大?
Tips to Dog Training pt.2 從咬人惡魔到溫順乖寵!專業訓犬師如何征服咬人羅威納?
Find a real estate agent in Vancouver | 第一次買房如何選擇經紀?
【溫村姐姐說】走進加拿大童子軍的世界 | 童子軍是幹什麼的?怎麼加入?| Dayinvan Sisters Talk learns about scouting in Vancouver Ep18
【溫村姐姐說】你對汽車維修技師了解多少?如何入行?Dayinvan Sisters Talk brings you insights into the world of auto care EP17
【溫村姐姐說】NFT很賺錢?值得投資嗎?| Dayinvan Sisters Talk explores the world of NFTs. EP16
【溫村姐姐說】在溫哥華百年照相館Artona当摄影师是什么体验?| Sisters Talk visits Artona Group in Vancouver EP15
【溫村姐姐說】2分鐘帶你瞭解最新減肥黑科技Emsculpt Neo® 體驗躺瘦的魔力 Sisters Talk EP13 experiences Emsculpt Neo® in Vancouver
【溫村姐姐說】溫哥華服裝店 那些年遇过的荒唐事!Sisters Talk EP12 Interesting shopping experiences in Vancouver
【溫村姐姐說】溫哥華這家藝術畫廊好看不貴還能定制——“希望家家戶戶都能欣賞到藝術的美” Sisters Talk Visits Empty Wall Gallery in Vancouver·EP11
【溫村姐姐說】专业醫美人员總結分享,祛痘印,日常保養,皮膚緊緻..分別該做什麼?玻尿酸|光子嫩肤|SkinCeuticals修丽可|Thread Lifting线雕|Sisters Talk EP10
【溫村姐姐說】獨家揭秘!密室逃脫設計全過程 Sisters Talk reveals insights of escape room design. Watch this Thursday-EP09
#giveaway 溫哥華下午茶好去處!18年老字號 傳統英国風格 【溫村姐姐說】Sisters Talk brings you Vancouver #afternoontea EP8 ENG SUB
ENG SUB【溫村姐姐說】關於超跑迈凯伦,你不知道的事 Sisters' Talk visits #McLarenVancouver with special guests EP07
【溫村姐姐說】跟著溫哥華高中生,給街友(無家可歸人士)派發食物 Sisters' Talk with #projecthastings in Downtown Eastside Vancouver
【溫村姐姐說】不帶一分錢逛夜市,還能薅羊毛?!Sisters' Talk at #richmondnightmarket
【溫村姐姐說】溫哥華的夏天如此美好,當然要運動起來!Sisters' Talk about Tennis EP03
【溫村姐姐說】夏日防晒秘籍分享 Sisters' Talk about Sunscreen EP02
《溫村姐姐說》說什麼?Sisters' Talk EP01
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Designed to present a warm, cozy feeling, Xiami Kitchen highlights homestyle, comfort food from all walks of life. Whether you’re a restaurant, food shop, chef, or chef-to-be, Xiami Kitchen provides a wonderful stage to showcase your brand and reach audiences from around the world.
Shrimp Paste Steamed Spare Ribs: Simple and Elegant Home Cooking! 虾酱蒸排骨
空气炸锅版乳鸽,不一样的脆嫩体验❗️| 明星厨房Bel其林系列 EP45 Air-Fried Squab
超级懒人饭,鱼肉蔬菜一锅搞定,好吃又健康!| 明星厨房Bel其林系列 EP43 Clay Pot Rice wit Fish
【空氣炸鍋】不用一滴油,25分鐘就能吃到的金黃焦香炸雞 | 明星廚房Bel芝莲系列 EP412
【空氣炸鍋】簡單快手蒜香三文魚鰭,在家體驗日式居酒屋的快樂!明星廚房Bel其林系列 EP41
港式豉汁蒸魚頭,簡單美味,香嫩可口,家人搶著吃!| Hamachi | 明星廚房Bel其林系列 EP40
Steamed Chicken in lotus leaf in 3 minutes 傳統名菜「荷葉蒸雞」 清香滑嫩 滋補又美味!
Lemon Ginger Chicken Feet in 3 minutes 柠檬姜香凉拌凤爪,酸甜开胃,清爽解腻!
Salt-Baked Seafood Hotpot in 3 minutes 超级鲜美的盐焗海鲜煲,简单易做,家庭聚会必备!
Sweet and Sour Cherry Tomatoes in 3 minutes 解暑神器!夏日小吃新寵——酸甜車釐茄好滋味!
Chilled Thai-style Abalone in 3 minutes 驚艷味蕾!秘製泰式凍鮑魚,享受舌尖上的奢華美味
Braised Pork Knuckles in 3 minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】明星厨房Bel其林系列 EP34
Hong Kong-style Baked Pork Chop Rice in 3 minutes【温村厨房E33】明星厨房Bel其林系列 EP33
A Classic Party Finger Food: Pickled Eggs in 3 minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP31
Foie gras fried rice with Chinese liver sausage in 3 minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP30
Deviled Eggs in 3 minutes 雞蛋的另類吃法 派對必备小吃「魔鬼蛋」【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP29
Top 3 Bel-chelin recipes in 2022 明星廚房「Bel芝蓮系列」 2022最受歡迎食譜【Dayinvan Kitchen】EP28
Dayinvan visits Vancouver Bib Gourmand Restaurant
Top 6 2022 Bel-chelin recipes in 3 minutes Pt.1 明星廚房「Bel芝蓮系列」 2022最受歡迎食譜【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP27
Tomato and Egg Broth in 3 minutes 超簡單番茄雞蛋湯 開胃可口【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP26
Clay pot rice in 3 minutes 在家做經典港式煲仔飯!米飯焦香 潤腸流油【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP25 Bel-chelin series
Bruce Lee's favourite Chinese food in Seattle 在美國吃中餐,打卡李小龍最愛中餐廳!Dayinvan Kitchen [Ep. 24]
Clams and Liver Stew in 3 minutes 秋季滋補養身 花甲豬肝煲【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP23 Bel-chelin series
Sesame Eggs in 3 minutes 頭抽芝麻流心蛋【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】EP22 "Bel-chelin" series; Bel芝蓮系列
Steamed Meat Pie w/Broth in 3 minutes香菇和豬肉融合的美味 鮮到眉毛掉【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】EP21
Lobster Spaghetti in 3 mins 香港家常菜『芝士龍蝦焗意粉』芝香濃郁【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】E20 Bel-chelin 明星厨师 Bel芝蓮
Poached Spicy Pork 3 minutes 麻辣鮮香『水煮肉片』 永不過時的川菜 附肉質軟嫩的秘訣【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 19
Mongolian Lamb Chops in 3 mins 蒙古手扒羊肉 簡單的極品美味【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】E18 "Bel-chelin" series Bel芝蓮系列
14 Most Popular Sichuan Foods – Have you ever tried? 【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 17
Cabbage Broth w/Preserved Egg in 3 minutes 鮮掉眉毛的上湯娃娃菜 快手簡單版【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 16
Cumin Lamb in 3 minutes 孜然羊肉 香味濃郁 簡單易學【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 15
Szechuan Chili Chicken in 3 minutes 香辣開胃下酒菜『辣子雞』地道四川味【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 14
Lobster Shell Abalone Congee 龍蝦殼鮑魚粥【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 13 "Bel-chelin" series; 明星厨师 Bel芝蓮
French Canadian Shepherd's Pie 治愈人心的牧羊人派 做法簡單 內餡香濃【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 12
Steamed Garlic Shrimps w/Vermicelli in 3 minutes 蒜蓉粉絲蒸蝦【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 11
Sweet and Sour Belt Fish 天津风味家熬帶魚 濃香带劲【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 10
Vongole Spaghetti 蒜香蜆子意大利面【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 9 Celebrity chef "Bel-chelin" 明星厨师 Bel芝蓮
Szechuan Spicy Chicken 缽缽雞 正宗川味小吃 麻辣鮮香【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 8
Scrambled Egg with Shrimp & Caviar in 3 minutes魚子醬蝦仁炒蛋【Dayinvan Kitchen温村厨房】EP6 "Bel-chelin" Bel芝蓮
Seafood Linguine in 3 Minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 5
Cabbage Roll in 3 Minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep.04
Rainbow Pepper Salad in 3 Minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 3
Crispy Pork Chop Sandwich in 3 Minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 2 Chef "Bel-chelin" 明星厨师 Bel芝蓮
Homestyle Carbonara in 3 Minutes【Dayinvan Kitchen 温村厨房】Ep. 1
Dayinvan Kitchen | Everyone has a signature dish · Trailer 温村厨房 | 每个人都有一道拿手菜 · 预告片
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About Xycle Media

New Media

Welcome to Xycle Media, where stories come to life, and possibilities are endless!

Through our channel, Xiami Video, our mission is to redefine digital storytelling through innovative and engaging web shows and documentaries.

We believe in the power of storytelling to unite, educate, and inspire, which is why we prioritize representing a wide range of voices and perspectives in our content.

Our team of professionals at Xiami Video produce a variety of shows ranging from the gastronomic food and travel adventure “Eat with Xiami” to the lifestyle based “Day in the life . . .” series.


Our Approach

We pride ourselves on setting the gold standard for exceptional production quality. Our team of creative visionaries and technical wizards collaborates tirelessly to craft narratives that resonate with audiences around the world.

At Xycle Media, we don’t just create content; we craft experiences that linger in the hearts and minds of our viewers.


Scalable Advertising

Our reach extends beyond borders as well. We’ve mastered the art of digital marketing, successfully promoting our shows across six different social media platforms. This multi-format approach ensures that our content reaches its intended audience, fostering a global community of devoted fans who eagerly anticipate our next release.

At Xycle Media we specialize in revolutionizing advertising and marketing by offering scalable solutions that seamlessly integrate video content and social media strategies. With a dynamic presence across six major social platforms, we empower our clients to amplify their brand’s impact through our shows at a fraction of the traditional cost.

Sponsorship & Advertising

Become a sponsor or advertise in our shows and together we will reach your company’s marketing goals!

Let’s Start Working Together!

广告 Advertising

ONE Ad across 6 social media platforms – YouTube, Instagram, WeChat, Douyin, Red Book, and Bilibili ! 

Xiami Video offers affordable yet effective online advertising. With our full-screen or banner in-show ads, you can promote your brand, services and products to a captivated audience! 


赞助 Sponsorship

Sponsorship comes with many benefits! Become a sponsor and activate your brand across multiple social media platforms – YouTube, Instagram, WeChat, Douyin, Red Book, and Bilibili !


定制影片 Customized Videos:

溫村生活 Dayinvan

You and/or your business will be featured in this customized production! Our hosts will showcase you as our featured guests where they will experience a day as your profession in Vancouver.

蝦米说 City Talk

You and/or your business will be featured in a customized production where our professional team will showcase a lifestyle experience in Vancouver!

蝦米厨房 Xiami Kitchen

Feature your signature dish and/or promote your restaurant in a customized video!

Let’s Start Working Together!

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